How to Eliminate Purchase Barriers

How to Eliminate Purchase Barriers


"I am so busy now – could we talk again after Christmas? I need to talk it through with my colleagues, the timing is wrong, soon it´s vacation, the price is above budget…"

Hmmm - what is underneath?

Basically, your customers can´t see you bringing more value than time and money invested.

Should you give a discount then? Well if your service and products can´t give more value than time and money spend, you should probably adjust your prices – not just give discounts. If you need to make room for new products, and want to clear the stock fast, it could make sense to give discount. Same situation if you have consultants doing nothing because of pipeline failure. But if you just need to meet the quarter budget, you should think again.

"Why can´t they see the value is much bigger than time and money invested? Why can´t they see you will make them succeed? What worries them?"

These answers can be tricky to find, but you need them, so make it a priority!

You will find the answers in your own actions – think through the 5 phases below. Where did you go wrong?

I ask myself the following questions, so now I am asking you:

Phase 1 - Why

First, are you in contact with your “Why” (the purpose of your company, why you exist)? To create value for others you need to know your own.

Phase 2 - Selection

Second, have you selected the right seeds? Look at your “Why”. Do you see a perfect match with your prospect? You need a match.

Third, have you found the right contact person? Who will benefit? Who is in charge? Is your contact person capable of making the purchase decision? You need a contact person who will benefit AND is in charge.

Now an easy one, have you bothered finding the name of your contact person and made a proper presentation, or have you just asked for the “purchase manager”? It will not take much of your time to find the name beforehand, but it will make the world of difference – especially if you make a personal introduction with a short customized pitch. Use Linkedin, Google and their website. You might be lucky and find both name and direct email or phone number. If you want to reach your contact person by phone, it will be almost impossible to reach the “purchase manager” through the switchboard – it is their job to be gatekeeper. But if you ask for a person by name, and you have a good answer to “may I ask what it is regarding?” You will succeed in being transferred to your contact person.  

Phase 3 - Conversation

Did you make room for conversation – or did you just disturb? Honestly, was the conversation about you or the customer? Keep your pitches short and save the long explanations to when your client asks for them. Read about making sense here. If you call without an agreement beforehand – tell a short “Why” and ask, if this is a good time. If not book time later – all your wise words will be wasted, if your prospect´s mind is elsewhere.  

look at your pitch – did you make it specific for the client? Nobody wants to hear about products – they want to hear about how you can make them better.

Did you make your pitch by hunch, or did you make your research? You might have an outstanding “fingerspitzgefühl” – you might not. Research makes you certain. Be sure of your customer´s needs, dreams and behavior, so you can act accordingly.

How is ROI for your customer? Is it possible to calculate it? Did you? If you make the foundation for the decision, your contact person will be able to decide faster.  

Did you highlight your USP? Don’t talk bad about your competitors but tell why you do better.

POC – did you offer appetizers? You need that – learn more here.

Phase 4 - After the Order

Did you plan for implementation? Most people worry about implementation – they don´t have time for it. If you become their project manager, they will have less worries and planning, meaning you will get a faster reply. You have the expertise and will make sure they succeed. Remember to include implementation in your solution offer.

Have you offered support? Solutions needs support – make sure your customers know you are there for them – also after the order.

Phase 5 – Next Orders

Have you been listening? Having customers gives experiences – wise people use it. Ongoing success with loyal customers calls for innovation. Listen to your customers and develop accordingly. Learn more here

Bottom line is, do your homework – it will pay off big time for both you and your customers :)


About the blog and me

I love my colorful business life, and the people I share it with. This blog is about my life – I share experiences, thoughts, theories and stories. Why? Because I am a sales enthusiast! Let me know what you think, so we can grow together. I will be happy to see you share my posts :)

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